
SUR in English is a weekly newspaper distributed in southern Spain every Friday and is a major advertising vehicle carrying hundreds of classified ads every week. Classified Advertising in SUR in English (print edition) costs only 0.58 euros per word.


Advertisers are courteously reminded that once payment has been made for the advertisement, no changes can be made and the advertisement cannot be cancelled nor the number of insertions changed.


Your E-Mail Address*

First Name*


Residence N/ CIF N/ Passport N/ DNI/ NIF*

Please bear in mind that if you are not a resident in Spain, you must give your address in your country of origin.



Post Code*



Choose section*


N of insertions:*


PLEASE NOTE: SUR in English advises advertisers that spaces must be left between words and after full stops in order to calculate the cost correctly, and copy will be edited without prior notice if typed incorrectly.

Please remember to include a contact number or email adress in your advert.
Por favor recuerde incluir un número de contacto o correo electrónico en su anuncio.


* Required fields.


For any queries whilst placing your advert please contact the following numbers:
• 952 649 638
• 952 649 669